Daily Gacha #017
These Daily Gacha items are repaints based on previous Premium packs.
This Daily Gacha set has been available from:
July 19th to July 26th, 2019.
Exquisite Server Repaint
Waltz In The Void Repaint
Japanese White Spider Lily Repaint
Vibrant Sakura Garlands Repaint
Starry Spiral Repaint
Irresistible Scent Repaint
A Cafeteria Of Sakura Repaint
Town In The Void Repaint
Spider Lilies In The Moonlight Repaint
Sakura Covered Lantern Repaint
Flowing Locks Pearl
Spider Lilies On The Water Repaint
Cafe de Cherry Blossom Repaint
The Prince's Descent Repaint
Night Of The Red Spider Lily Repaint