Animal Boyfriend Wiki
This page contains unofficial translation of exclusive personalities from the Japanese version. Beware, as it might contain spoilers.

Devil Personality

The term Devil (悪魔) refers to the personality trait "fierce".
A person who shows fury or malignity in looks or actions.

In Gijin Kareshi, the student speaks in a rude manner, mostly aggressive. Demands and boss the teacher around as a ruler.

Often address the teacher as "You", the most impolite way to do in Japanese.

Special Job Time K EXP
- - - -

This type was introduced in Gijin Kareshi on April 28th, 2016.

Personality Requirements[]

Kindness Naughtiness Elegance Flamboyance Toughness
- 200 - 800 1000
Bashfulness Cheerfulness Shyness Curiosity Frankness
- 200 - - -

Other Dialogue[]

It is unknown when or if this personality will be introduced to the English version. The translation below is incomplete and unofficial.

Waking Up
  • I'm already awaken without being told.
  • Huh? I will go to bed when I feel like sleep, so shut up!
  • I'll sleep when you go to sleep.
  • Ahm? Ahm... You are unbearable when you want to help.
After Work/Study
  • [Work] You should be the one working next time.
  • [Study] Finished. So, how you pretend to praise me?
Level Up
  • As expected, I leveled up.
  • You. Are you satisfied with your life now? ...Me? It is amusing to live with [Teacher].
  • Go home, I'm not motivated to socialize. I'm sleepy.
  • ... Uh? What? I didn't paid attention.
  • Hey, I came here to socialize. Show me something interesting. Or do something interesting.
  • They sell delicious ice cream at the convenience store... If you know what I mean.
  • You look pale. Is there anything I can do before things get worse?
  • Stop it. If you play dressed like this, you'll be seriously injured. Only you.