Stage 01:
Forest of Ambi
- Humans say matsutake mushrooms are like diamonds of the mountain. It does make me wonder how they taste.
- The phytoncide produced by these trees is great for the skin. Let's take a walk amongst it all.
- It's like a scene from a hanafuda card out here. Deer and Maple.
Stage 02:
Inari Shrine
- There are so many shrine gates around. Like long, red tunnels.
- "Relaxed study brings reward"... Trust me to receive a fortune like this one.
- Let's follow these shrine gates up to the top of the mountain. I imagine the view must be incredible.
Stage 03:
Ambi Summit
- Let's take a short rest. I'll go and buy us something to drink.
- This is the kind of view that really puts life in perspective. I'm so glad we came up here.
- The days get shorter as the nights get longer this time of year, you know.
Stage 04:
Garden Of Gods
- Red leaves in full force... How mysterious.
- This garden exists in its own bubble of peace and quiet.
- I feel blessed, to enjoy beautiful views like these at this time of year.
Stage 05:
Shrine Path
- Beautiful trees, lit up by dazzling lanterns. What a spectacular view.
- Does this path stretch to the heavens themselves? How long must it be exactly?
- It's hard to imagine we'll be meeting a true god, protector of this mountain itself.
Stage 06:
The Mountain God
- So this is where the god lives... I've never seen such a large house before in my life.
- It does make me wonder what these gods do in their spare time, though. Maybe I should take this chance to ask.
- I wonder how high up we are exactly... More than 1000m, perhaps...?
Stage 01:
Second-Hand Books
- I've never really been to a second-hand bookstore before. This should be quite an experience.
- [Look at textbooks] So you enjoy reading books like these, [Teacher].
- [Medical book] You're interested in the medical sciences, are you?
- [Philosophy book] There do seem to be a lot of beginner's guides to science these days.
- [Look at manga] Hmm? Is that another floor above us?
- [Stay here] Yes, good idea. Let's keep exploring here first.
- [Go up] These stairs are scarily unstable.
Stage 02:
- Let's begin our search for literature.
- [Go inside] All of these books have quite a deal of thickness to them.
- [History book] History books... It's always important to learn from the past, to help prepare for the future.
- [Encyclopedia] Any books filled with details on the human world interest me greatly.
- [Don't go inside] Where do you think this author might be from?
- [Japan] So perhaps this is one of those pennames I've heard about...!
- [America] America...? I think I'd like to visit one day.
Stage 03:
- Well then, how exactly should we begin searching for books?
- [Bookshelves] It appears this is the area for children's books.
- [Search here] Yes, well... I don't think I'll be reading any of these...
- [Move on] Yes, we still have plenty of time. Let's continue searching.
- [Counter] It appears we can search the library books from this computer here.
- [Search by genre] I must admit I enjoy that genre myself.
- [Search by author] So these are your favorite authors, I see. I'll have to do some research of my own later.
Stage 01:
Onsen Ryokan
- The owner seems peculiar.
- This is quite the ryokan. I imagine that clock must have stood there some 40, 50 years at least.
- There's quite a number of baths here. Which would you like to enter first?
Stage 02:
- This room is quite large indeed. I'd say it's at least 33 square meters, perhaps 35.
- Even the view from the window here is incredible.
- We have some time until dinner. We can rest here, or take a walk. It's up to you.
Stage 03:
- Let's try to figure out what's happened here.
- There's no water in the baths...?
- It doesn't appear to be a simple mechanical malfunction, to me at least.
Stage 04:
Onsen Town
- There appears to be quite a distance to our destination. I wonder how many steps in total...
- I wonder why exactly seeing red lanterns in a small town like this is quite so exciting.
- It appears the source of the spring is somewhere near the mountain summit.
Stage 05:
Stone Steps
- I don't think this path is meant for regular use. It's entirely covered with fallen leaves.
- It appears as if we've almost reached our destination.
- I can hear something, from up ahead. It sounds like a person.
Stage 06:
Summit Shrine
- It appears this gentlemen is the one who has been siphoning all the spring water.
- He appears genuine in his regret. Perhaps he's not such a bad person after all.
- He smells much the same as I do. Peculiar...
Stage 07:
- Today's events had nothing to do with the tour... It appears I was mistaken.
- It appears the mystery tour doesn't start until tomorrow.
- Most importantly, we solved the problem calmly, quickly and logically.
Stage 08:
Outdoor Bath
- This water is still too hot to enter... It must be around 45 degrees Celsius right now.
- We should probably wait a while longer for it to cool down.
- This is quite the luxurious bath.
Stage 01:
(Towns:) Kingdom of Amsha, Sakura Metropolis, Helios City, Chenqian Palace, Temple of Zalaam
- Teleportation... Exactly how was it achieved...? I must find out.
- Such a wonderful town. Under different circumstances, I'd have loved to have gone sightseeing.
- There's so much here I do not know... I'm sorry, I need to study more.
Stage 02:
(Battle:) Krizsa Mountains, Forgotten Shrine, Soul Valley, Shanyang Ravine, Ruins of Oscuro
- A dead end... Oh no... is this an enemy trap?!
- I feel considerably safer knowing you're with me, [Teacher].
- I've predicted the movements of the enemies to 100% accuracy. We'll be fine.
Stage 03:
- ... Are you feeling tired too?
- [Take a rest] Unbelievable! An egg, right here!
- [Give a drink] I suppose I could have a sip.
- [Give your lap] I... That's... Yes, well. If you insist.
- It seems as if I've lost one of the eggs...
- [Search together] You found it, really? Thank you very much.
- [Cheer him up] ... I'm sorry for all this trouble...
- [Tickle him] Uwa?! Wh-what are you doing?!
- Eggs? I can find a few eggs, I'm sure.
- [Search here] As I thought. Here's an egg already.
- [Search there] Wh-what...? There's not a single egg here...
- [Just pretend] I'll just be over here reading some journals, then.
Stage 01:
- The weather is quite something today. I feel almost sleepy in the heat.
- So we're here to search for eggs. I'm sure we can streamline the process by you listening to everything I say.
- I bet this field has all manner of rare herbs and spices waiting to be picked.
- These here are pansies. They're said to symbolize true love.
- So you found an egg. I must say, I was quite hoping to find one myself, too.
Stage 02:
Shopping Street
- There is no problem I cannot solve.
- Could we try out that herbal tea store over there?
- Leave this searching to me. I know the most effective ways to conduct these sorts of experiments.
- Do you know the true history of Easter? Well, it all began with Pascha, a festival in the late 2nd Century...
- I've found the most intriguing novel here. I think I'll stop and read a while.
Stage 03:
Theme Park
- I'll find you those eggs, efficiently and speedily.
- The mascots are all too rough with their approach. We are all strangers, after all.
- They say Easter has it's roots far, far back in history. Fascinating.
- I'd like to ride the Ferris wheel. Will you join me, [Teacher]?
- Did you know? There are actually quite a few different types of Easter eggs all around the world.
Stage 04:
- I wonder what is truly out there, deep in the midst of uncharted space.
- All of the stars you see in the sky today are mere reflections of a rapidly fading past.
- They say that Easter carries symbology of rebirth, of new life and fresh starts.
- If there's anything you want to know about space, just ask. Or allow me to explain anyway.
- I can't believe there are actual eggs hidden around an actual spaceship, too...
Stage 01:
School Gate
- I can't wait to see what kind of culture festival is at a circus training school.
- I wonder what kind of culture we'll see... This is going to be fun.
- Circus, huh? Now that I think about it, there is a poem with that name.
Stage 02:
- Wh-what a strange menu. This is the first time I've even seen this.
- There sure are a lot of different stands. I think the stats on which are the most popular would be interesting.
- There are a lot of people doing different performances. This feels like a festival and not just because of the stands.
Stage 03:
- A maze, huh? And time trial... Okay I'm about to set a new record!
- A house of hypnotism, huh... That's just placebo. It has no effect on me.
- There's a bunch of exhibitions inside the school. Now this is a culture festival.
Stage 04:
- There are some performances being done on the stages in the gym.
- Wow, that performer is putting on a show as a guest.
- A concert, huh... Why don't we go somewhere else before it gets too noisy?
Stage 05:
(EX Stage) Circus
- It's said clowns originated from the Italian masked improvisational theater known as Commedia dell'arte.
- What an amazing sense of balance. That must take so much practice.
- Both the jumper and the catcher must be in sync to succeed at the trapeze. What a difficult move.
Stage 01:
To the Hallowed Ground!
- Scientifically, ghosts and the like should not exist... So, why...
- I's like to thoroughly search Onibimaru's body. Is that all right?
- Cooperating is fine, but doesn't seeing a real one make you think anything?
Stage 02:
The Garden of Grief
- Oh, graves. The cultures of humans and the dead is nothing but interesting.
- By the way, about Onibimaru's body... Ah, no, it's nothing...
- Such unscientific things just... Can't be...
Stage 03:
The Room of Swords
- The floor is rotting. Be careful not to fall.
- What makes you give off that light, Onibimaru...?
- This building... has just been left behind. The oxidation progress has gone quite far.
Stage 04:
The Room of Shields
- Yoaki and ghosts are basically entirely different.
- It's cool here even though it's summer... Could there be something here?
- Hey, there's someone other than us here. Be careful.
Stage 05:
The Master's Courtyard
- A well. And it looks like it hasn't been used for a while.
- Fire doesn't float. I believe that is plasma.
- I will not accept the unscientific!
Stage 06:
The Endless Corridor
- We're in a new place now. Something strange will probably happen again. Keep your guard up.
- No matter how complex it is, if we walk along the left-hand side, we will escape this maze.
- Didn't we just... no, that's impossible... We shouldn't be ending up here, but...
Stage 07:
Hunting for the Exit
- We've been walking for so long. We'll surely find the exit soon.
- Where could the exit be... I want to refill our water supply...
- ... It's okay. I can still walk.
Stage 08:
The Room of Gold
- The architecture is... amazing. I'd love to just take it all in.
- That guy was at the Animal Laboratory. He liked pranks and I heard he was a big pain.
- Well, we've got a promise to fulfill. let's take this place back.
Stage 09:
The Last Battle with the Macaroni Gang!
- Since his animal ears pop out when he's surprised, well, he still has a ways to go.
- It would be better to study hard than to do pointless things like this.
- Okay, let's hurry up and take this back so we can thoroughly inspect Onibimaru's body.
Stage 10:
Test of Courage!?
- We're finished here. Now I can finally inspect Onibimaru...
- We walked quite a bit, so we should eat for the nutritional support.
- You're going to do the test of courage? Let's prove all of this scientifically.
Stage 01:
To Wonderland!
- The entrance to Wonderland is a rabbit hole...? That sort of makes sense.
- This must be the infamous rabbit hole. What an odd sight indeed.
- I've calculated the gravitational force at which we're traveling. I approximate we'll reach the bottom in about 27 minutes.
Stage 02:
Mushroom Forest
- The Amanita mmuscaria is as red and colorful as I thought it would be.
- What do we have here. That white mushroom is most likely an Amanita virosa.
- The different vantage point from waking under the mushroom is also quite pleasant.
Stage 03:
Tea Time
- I am absolutely outraged. Who were those people just now?
- They say it's a full house, yet the seats are clearly empty. When we try to leave, they offer us more tea. I simply cannot comprehend their actions.
- Let us continue our journey. I've had enough of this odd place.
Stage 04:
Palace Gardens
- What a strange sign "Be wary of the Queen" is.
- I wonder what purpose white roses painted as red would serve.
- Oh, my. What are playing cards doing here? Oh, yes. By the way, did you know that the pictures on playing cards are modeled after real-life people?
Stage 05:
Face the Queen!
- The radiance of the Queen is so amazing, even I am a little nervous...
- These sweets are handmade by the Queen herself? H-how kind...!
- My pulse is rising... Could this be the effect of being in a red room...?
Stage 01:
- We don't usually see fog build up in this area of town. What a strange experience.
- Are we heading to a nearby store, at least?
- A crowd of people... IS something happening over there?
Stage 02:
- This umbrella... It says it can withstand up to a typhoon-level winds! ... "but protection of the holder is not guaranteed", says the small print...
- The best shopping trip is an efficient shopping trip. I of course have my list right her--- Never mind... I should have it memorized at least.
Stage 03:
- Apparently this aquarium has the largest indoor tank in the world. Would you like to take a look?
- Dolphins... these dolphins...!
- I think I prefer killer whales to dolphins, myself.
Stage 04:
- So many exquisite exhibits.
- A lot of these exhibits are of international renown, you know.
- So many of these artists found very little recognition in their time. It's a shame they had to pass for people to truly appreciate their skill.
Stage 05:
(EX Stage) Meadow
- This is quite the hydrangea field indeed.
- I hear the noise of a crowd. Something must have happened.
- Do I hear screams coming from the back of the meadow...?
- [EP] This work wasn't any trouble at all for me.
- [Treasure] You get compensation based on your work. That is basic.
Stage 01:
- [Heart] The surgery was a success.
- His desire to live is the most important factor.
- Hurry, please let us hear you speak.
Stage 02:
- [Heart] I've come to deliver a package.
- Excuse me, but could you sign here?
- That's everything. We hope to have your business again.
Stage 03:
Baseball Player
- [Heart] (9th inning, two outs, last-chance swing.)
- Okay, based on the previous pitches... the next one should be...
- Okay, perfect.
Stage 04:
- [Heart] So based on the evidence here, in this area there should be... nothing?! Is my reasoning wrong?
- What! The culprit was caught?! That's entirely different from profiling?!
- I guess fact is stronger than fiction.
Stage 05:
- [Heart] The cards that have been discarded... and the cards that can be checked now...
- The last face down card and... the total result of my opponent's win-loss percentage is... 82%!
- Clearly... victory is mine.
Stage 01:
- ... You look like a mess. Do i even have to help you with sleeping?
- The weather today is great. It's so pleasant it should boost our spirits quite a bit.
- So first we're going strawberry picking? Lots of people pass over strangely shaped ones but those are sweet and ripe.
Stage 02:
- Strawberries are grown in vinyl greenhouses where the temperature and humidity can be controlled.
- I see, we can eat the strawberries we pick over there. They've thought of everything.
- ... Your back hurts? That's because you don't know the proper way to bend down.
Stage 03:
Main Street
- It's quite busy here. This kind of human atmosphere is quite interesting.
- It's difficult to speak highly of this alley. This kind of darkness in a city is...
- Hm. we should reach the park after we go through this chopping center.
Stage 04:
- There's plenty of space to sit down in this park. Let's have lunch soon.
- You made bentos...? Thank you so much... That's just like you.
- Next time you make bentos, please allow me to help you.
Stage 05:
Theme Park
- This is an amusement park...?! This heat... Humans sure are amazing...
- The whole park has a concept that even goes to the staff costumes.
- [Teacher], do you like the attractions or shows more?
Stage 06:
- Today was quite fantastic. I learned a lot.
- Oh yeah, what do you think dinner will be?
- Goodnight, [Teacher].
Stage 01:
Heian Theme Park
- I really had no idea there was a theme park in this area.
- I think a kimono like this would suit you well, [Teacher]. Though they are very hevy.
- I could tell you all about the history behind why these buildings are all so red, if you have the time.
Stage 02:
Spring Room
- Quite the beautiful sakura... but we're far from spring already. They must be fake.
- Hmm, that is a strange smell indeed. Incense?
- It says people used to play kemari in their gardens here. Quite the hobby.
Stage 03:
Summer Room
Stage 04:
Autumn Room
Stage 05:
Winter Room
Stage 06:
Storage Room
- Hmm, it appears to be a simple storage room. We must have gotten lost.
- Wax models? I could have sworn I was talking with one of them, though...
- What kind of place is this...?
- [EP] I'm sure it'll turn out useful later. Let's hold on to it.
- [Treasure] Oh, look. We do always seem to find things like this in places like these.
Stage 01:
- Ahh... Where are we...?
- It seems as though we've been abducted.
- We're underground... which means there must be a staircase leading back above ground.
- I will find a way out of here. Leave it to me.
Stage 02:
Stage 03:
Stage 04:
- This must be some kind of courtyard. There has to be a way out through here.
- Hmm, there are quite a few statues here--- Hmm. [Teacher]. Did that one just move?
- I think I see a building over there. Let's head that way.
Stage 05:
- This is quite the interesting laboratory indeed. Though all the equipment does seem very old...
- I wonder what they were researching here. I'd love to find out.
- [Teacher], do you smell that? I think it's fresh air... This way!
Stage 01:
Tropical Island
- Blue skies, blue seas... You know, the color blue helps focus and concentration in humans. Fascinating, isn't it?
- This isn't a real wedding, you know. I don't think there's any need to start feeling nervous.
- I must admit, I don't know much about weddings and marriage at all... I hope this goes okay.
Stage 02:
Exchanging Rings
- Did we really have to dress up like this for a simple rehearsal...?
- I have to put this ring on your finger now, [Teacher].
- Hmm, I did not expect something as simple as putting a ring on your finger to be quite this difficult...
Stage 03:
Exchanging Vows
- Apparently all it takes is two signatures here and the marriage contract is complete. Fascinating.
- D-don't you think you're a little close...? Wh-what? This is the tradition?!
- What exactly are we supposed to do during this ceremony?
Stage 04:
Chorus Singing
- Perhaps we should think more carefully next time before accepting a task as great as this one.
- What language is this even? Where do these hymns come form? Oh, I'm sorry... I suppose this isn't the place.
- I do love the way everyone's voices echo around the church. I wonder if they were built with this purpose in mind...
Stage 05:
Outfit Change
- There appears to be a tradition of handing out candles to the guests a their tables... Fascinating.
- Apparently they've prepared a video of our history together... I'm not sure I can bring my self to watch it...
- They certainly haven't spared any expense on the food, either... It all looks so delicious.
Stage 06:
Cake Cutting
- I didn't think cutting a cake could be this difficult. The cream is just getting everywhere.
- ... This might be easier if you could try moving in time with me, [Teacher].
- They said we could keep the cake... but I see you've already started eating. Very brave of you.
Stage 01:
- I knew that I'd be able to see movies during the flight, but I had no idea that they would be recent releases.
- I learned some simple Vietnamese, so ask my if you need something.
- We pick up our luggage over there. Make sure to check the numbers so you don't pick up the wrong luggage.
Stage 02:
- I knew about this from prior research, but... there really are so many motorcycles here.
- ... Hm? If you pay attention, you'll see there are no traffic lights here. I should have looked up how we're supposed to cross the road.
- I'm a bit thirsty. I wanted to try this drink called nuoc mia. What do you think?
Stage 03:
- What a great room. So you looked at reviews before picking...? This hotel was the right choice.
- I heard that the brightly lit place over there is the market, so why don't we check it out later?
- Are you getting hungry? Just wait until I finish with the luggage and checking our valuables.
Stage 04:
- This market is even busy at night. Let's eat and then check out the shops.
- These fresh spring rolls are pretty good... I think we could make these at home, so we should look up a recipe.
- Pho is probably the most famous Vietnamese food. I've always wanted to try it once.
Stage 05:
Lotus Pond
- I just heard from a local that there is a nearby shop that serves lotus tea.
- These flowers look so lovely. But more than that is how surprisingly big lotus flowers grow.
- ... You know, the lotus seed kind of looks like a honeycomb.
Stage 06:
Ha Long Bay
Stage 01:
Geppetto’s House
- So this is the original work. That means it's okay because there's no copyright.
- Pinocchio... The most famous thing is probably the animated movie.
- The animated movie and original work are quite different.
Stage 02:
Puppet Troupe
- The next place Pinocchio is going is called The Red Lobster Inn.
- Pinocchio had two siblings in the original story, and they had names too.
- Those bandits... Well, it goes without saying who they are.
Stage 03:
Turquoise Girl
- I don't know anything about Crickets. Why is that one still alive. I wonder...
- Lying makes your nose grow. That's a famous tale.
- In the original story the Turquoise Girl lived near a thousand years.
Stage 04:
The Land of Toys
- This land of toys was foreshadowed at the beginning of the story.
- Do you know how Pinocchio turns back from a donkey?
- At the end he'll reunite with his friend who became a donkey.
Stage 05:
Finished Reading
- What do you think? The original story seems so different from the film, doesn't it?
- Thanks for reading the book. We even finished it in one sitting.
- Okay, what should we read next?
Stage 01:
- [Teacher], you look to be unhurt. Well then, please help me try to figure out what is going on here.
- Hm... There are several designs drifting through the air... it seems to be constructing a story... This must be some sort of alternate world.
- Hm... I don't recall seeing these characters before. This does not to be a system that uses kanji.
Stage 02:
- All these stores means this must be the shopping district right? Now, how can we get some of this place's currency?
- I was able to barter at one of the shops and get some food. I don't know what's in it, but... Let's take a break.
- For now let's just look for a way to get back. Right now we've only got problems.
Stage 03:
- I turned right on a whim, but... our surroundings changed kind of drastically.
- Let's come back to search here later. We can do that if we don't find anything else.
- Nothing here really stands our, so I don't think we're going to find any hints here.
Stage 04:
- This wide-open space must be some kind of park. Let's take a break and try to get some info.
- It'd be nice if we could find a library... Well, right now we can't afford such luxuries.
- If I sketch some of the words that stick out I think I should be able to understand a little bit.
Stage 05:
- Hey, it's a school. I wonder if we could use the library.
- What nice rabbits they've raised here. But is it okay that we're not looking right now...
- I tried to persuade them... but they didn't understand me. I suppose I need another plan.
Stage 06:
- I'm not completely certain just yet, but I think this should gives us a hit on how to go back to our world...
- Getting a top down look on the city is a pretty good idea.
- The view is pretty great, but I'm more curious about the design of the art in this observatory.
Stage 01:
Nightime shrine
- For some reason I just can't come up with the right words, (animal noise)... And I can't read, (animal noise)?
- Is this physical or some outside cause... I'm unsure, (animal noise).
- I don't this place is a place we'd like to be, (animal noise). What's the reason, (animal noise)?
Stage 02:
Torii road
- This place is colder than it should be, (animal noise). we should get out of here quickly, (animal noise).
- With all the strange things that keep happening, nothing can surprise me now, (animal noise).
- Is someone there, (animal noise)? Come out. I want information, (animal noise).
Stage 03:
Lost In Town
- Not only is this area complicated, I believe we ave been this way,.. What kind of area is this, (animal noise)?
- We need to make notes about this maze and eliminate our options, (animal noise).
- Where is that shamisen and flute music coming from, (animal noise)...?
Stage 04:
Upper Floors
- As someone who prefers reading to exercise, these stairs are ridiculous, (animal noise).
- Let's catch our breath, (animal noise)... I hope there's something worth going up there for, (animal noise).
- The view below is beautiful and a bit comforting still, (animal noise). Huhu... Oh my, (animal noise).
Stage 05:
- If we go this way... (animal noise)... More stairs means, (animal noise)...
- I can't read he signs but if I had a dictionary... Well, I can't read the dictionary either, (animal noise).
- Instead of wandering around, why don't we just check out that one building, (animal noise).
Stage 06:
Camellia Prison
- This looks like a prison, (animal noise). I'm so glad that it's empty, though, (animal noise).
- These letters... This shape... Could this be my name, (animal noise)?
- ... I feel like this has nothing to do with our goal, (animal noise). Let's go look somewhere else, (animal noise).
Stage 01:
Theme Park
Stage 02:
Dark Forest
- This sign says Halloween Town. This has to be the right way.
- It's completely dark... Be careful not to trip over any of the tree roots.
Stage 03:
Halloween Town
Stage 04:
Castle Gate
Stage 05:
Great Hall
- I was given a key by someone from the castle. It seems like I need to look for the room by myself.
- That's a big pumpkin pie. I wonder how many pumpkins were needed to make that.
- People will give you candy if you say "trick or treat".
Stage 06:
Secret Chamber
- So this is a secret room.
- If there is a room like this hidden in the walls...
- We sure moved around a lot today. we should probably go to bed early.
Stage 01:
Convenience Store
- To think I spent all of hat time explaining the importance of taking care of yourself... Well, no point talking about it now. I'll come up with something.
Stage 02:
- [Teacher] broke out into a fever... I will need to prepare something to bring that down.
- "What symptoms do you have you
?" ... The coughing started three days ago, so it must be that.
- I have everything I need but... I should probably buy some cooling strips just in case... Reducing the body's temperature may prove to be beneficial.
Stage 03:
- Well then... I don't have to research what I already know about the cold. I should gather information on recipes that help when sick.
- Insightful... Other than okayu, ginger and udon are also good... Now which one does [Teacher] like out of those three...
- It appears this cooking book can be used not only for foods that fight the cold. I'll get this and be on my way.
Stage 04:
- A church, huh. I heard that humans who pray here are able to attain some type of tranquility... Heh, maybe I'll try it out.
- ... This place surely has a calming effect. Well then, it 's time to return to [Teacher]'s side.
- There are some people talking to the priest. Does it help getting things off your chest? ... Will I get advice on how to tend to the sick if I talk?
Stage 01:
Script Reading
- (Prince)
- So I'm playing the princes. Well, first I'll have to study the basic image of a prince.
- "Princess, where are you?!" ... That doesn't feel right? Acting is quite difficult.
- I seem to grasp the basics. Now i just need to efficiently practice in order to reach my goal.
- (Princess)
- Well, my role is... the princess?! Wh-what is the intention here?!
- Now what to reference for female acting... Kabuki should be a good reference, don't you think?
- There's no point in discussing qualified persons... If this is the role i was given I must play the best princess that I can.
- (Demon)
- I will be playing the archfiend. I shall play it so the whole audience shall shiver with trepidation!
- "There is no way for you to defeat me!" ... What do you think, [Teacher]? Does it need to sound heavier?
- Performing is more difficult than I imagined. I need to obtain some reference documents as soon as possible.
Stage 02:
- (Prince)
- Just looking at this costume makes me feel like I must succeed. I must devote myself as well.
- I think this costume really fives off the high class image of a prince.
- Not only is it comfortable, the motion of range was well considered for ease of performance. This costume is so easy to move in.
- (Princess)
- Oh... This is just exactly what I imagined a princess would look like.
- This is a wonderful costume. I want to work on my performance so I don't disgrace the costume.
- I tried it on but... what do you think, [Teacher]? I'm not quite sure, myself...
- (Demon)
- So this is the archfiend's costume. Being able to figure it out so quickly is good design.
- Contrary to how it looks, this is easy to move around in. Everything else just depends on me.
- I just put on the costume, now if i can do a good job acting, we should get a good evaluation.
Stage 03:
- (Prince)
- The set is amazing. I need to consider movement enough to be able to go to the proper locations immediately.
- This is different from putting on the costume and practicing. There's a difference from thinking about the positioning, and that is important to consider.
- Was I able to properly express the prince's feelings towards the princess? I do hope that I did.
- (Princess)
- I have committed all of my lines to memory. All that's left is the actual performance.
- There are so many things in the script that are hard to imagine in the script but dhow up during rehearsal.
- Now that I'm wearing the actual costume, it's so much more fluttery than I had imagined. I need to be careful not to fall.
- (Demon)
- This costume has quite the amount of decorations. They are applied to all these detailed places and it makes the costume quite heavy...
- I had not expected the interior scenes of the archfiend's castle to be so detailed. It's more amazing than I had imagined.
- Now I have memorized the proper acting behaviors for the archfiend. All that is left is to put them to use in the performance.
Stage 01:
Santa’s Dispatch Office
- Unfathomable! Impossible! I should've been home... How did I get here?
- Santa's dispatch office, huh... Things are becoming clear. This is all their fault. Why weren't we given prior warning?
- Santa Claus is a made-up story. It's not possible for him to exist... No, the person over there... must be cosplaying.
Stage 02:
Santa’s House
- May I confer with you about the delivery route? It simply isn't the most efficient route we can take.
- Checking the checklist, sorting and shipping have all been taken
cared of. Leave this type of work to me.
- I'm a little worried about how my stamina will hold up... I cannot think of an appropriate solution.
Stage 03:
Reindeer Area
- The reindeer I know aren't able to stand up on two legs.. .Are my studies lacking?
- I can't believe this. I really cannot.
- ... Is this really where we're supposed o rent reindeer? We didn't take a wrong turn anywhere along the way?
Stage 04:
Christmas Night
- We're really flying in the sky... How is this possible? ...Huh? Will power? No, that can't be right.
- This present is up next... This size... What are we going to do?
- Shh! You'll wake the kids if you're not quiet, you know? Once we set the present, we're leaving, okay?
Stage 01:
- Before departing for the trip, I took the liberty of making a guidebook. Please peruse through it.
- We will arrive at our station soon. Double check to make sure you didn't forget anything, [Teacher].
- Time is of the essence. I believe we'll need to be efficient to travel to as many places as possible.
Stage 02:
- [Teacher]? You would like to go there, too? ... well, if we tweak our other place, it'll work itself out...
- I had already foreseen such a detour. That's why I brought a guidebook for this area. We'll have no problem looking for the information we need.
- It's almost time, [Teacher]. Let's go to the next spot.
Stage 03:
- This tofu... tastes exactly how it's supposed to. The kombu and dashi are also pivotal... I'll try it with some added spice next...
- Is this... ofu...? I was surprised by how sticky it is...! Oh, and the miso soup is delicious as well.
- Is this... a fish in the bowl...? Its rich taste makes me feel at ease.
Stage 04:
Snack Store
- For a building of this stature along with its craft to have survived until now... it's a testament to its long-standing nature.
- Sweets, tea, sweets... I see things clearly now. That's the reason why I am unable to stop eating... How fearful indeed.
- ... The goal of the trip was to find something good to eat... Are you sure it's okay if we eat something like this...?
Stage 05:
- Hu... Huhu... [Teacher] is showing lots of resilience. I can't be the one lagging behind...!
- ... Can you see the top yet? ... Huhuhu, since we've come this far, we have to go all the way to the top...!
- I believed red... *pant pant* was the color that prevented danger... Is that way... (pant*... all the torii are red...?
Stage 06:
- We somehow finally made it back to the ryokan... I just hope we're not sore tomorrow...
- Let's go to sleep early today, so we're better prepared for tomorrow. We won't get anything done if we're tired.
- Before we go to sleep, let's go over our plan for tomorrow. That way, we'll be able to roll with the punches even if we have to take a detour.