Animal Boyfriend Wiki
Animal Boyfriend Wiki
Minimum Panic event detail poster
Panic event
Event infor
  • 1 stage can be cleared in 30 steps
  • You will get "Mol's Potion" for clearing a stage
  • You will get Achievement Awards for clearing Stages
  • Performing search once will use 1 Energy
  • Maximum: 30 (50 with early clear avatar)
  • Energy recovers by 1 per 12 minutes

End Date[]

  • EDT: 9/10 2014 2:00
  • PDT: 9/9 2014 23:00
  • BST: 9/10 2014 6:00
  • AEST: 9/10 2014 16:00

Ranking Rewards[]

Little cooking

Little Cooking

String cafe curtains

String Cafe Curtains

Shiny fried rice

Shiny Fried Rice


  • Little cooking
  • String cafe curtains
  • Shiny fried rice
  • Free mini gacha ticket


  • String cafe curtains
  • Shiny fried rice
  • Free mini gacha ticket


  • Shiny fried rice
  • Free mini gacha ticket


  • Free mini gacha ticket

Achievement Awards[]

!Clear this many stages!
Clear Stage 5


Clear Stage 10


Clear Stage 20
Exchange Ticket


Clear Stage 30
Free Mini Gacha Ticket


Clear Stage 40
Exchange Ticket


Clear Stage 50
Free Gacha Ticket


Clear Stage 60
Little Adventure

Little adventure

Clear Stage 65
Mol's White Coat For Experiments

Mol's White Coat For Experiments

Early Clear[]

Early clear

Clear 10 Stages within 36 hours from starting the event to get the limited Avatar. Mol's Laser Scope increases your maximum Energy to 50.

Garapon Unit 3[]


Event gacha. 1 spin requires 3 Mol's Potion (acquired during the event).

  • You can save up your potions and do 10 spins at once but no more than that.

::Rare Items::[]

Loose roomwear - Grey
Loose roomwear - Navy
Loose roomwear - Peach
Loose Roomwear - Gray Loose Roomwear - Navy Loose Roomwear - Peach
Alchemic desk - Peach
Alchemic desk - Orange
Alchemic desk - Blue
Alchemic Desk - Peach Alchemic Desk - Orange Alchemic Desk - Blue
Macaroni group-group leader clothes - White
Macaroni group-group leader clothes - Black
Macaroni group-group leader clothes - Red
Macaroni Group/Group Leader Clothes - White Macaroni Group/Group Leader Clothes - Black Macaroni Group/Group Leader Clothes - Red

-Normal Items-[]

Big pencil - Blue
Big pencil - Red
Big pencil - Green
Big Pencil - Blue Big Pencil - Red Big Pencil - Green
High-class suit - White
High-class suit - Purple
High-class suit - Blue
High-class Suit - White High-class Suit - Purple High-class Suit - Blue
Light Jacket - Blue
Light Jacket - Brown
Light Jacket - White
Light Jacket - Blue Light Jacket - Brown Light Jacket - White
Emblem T - Navy
Emblem T - White
Emblem T - Peach
Emblem T - Navy Emblem T - White Emblem T - Peach
Sleeping hamster - Grey
Sleeping hamster - Brown
Sleeping hamster - Orange
Sleeping Hamster - Grey Sleeping Hamster - Brown Sleeping Hamster - Orange
Suprise vegitables - Type 1
Suprise vegitables - Type 2
Suprise vegitables - Type 3
Suprise Vegitables - Type 1 Suprise Vegitables - Type 2 Suprise Vegitables - Type 3
Virtual gear - Blue
Virtual gear - Green
Virtual gear - Pink
Virtual Gear - Blue Virtual Gear - Green Virtual Gear - Pink
Memory cork board - Black
Memory cork board - Brown
Memory cork board - White
Memory Cork Board - Black Memory Cork Board - Brown Memory Cork Board - White



Event Dialogue, choices and items are hidden under collapsed tables to avoid potential spoilers.

[Stage 1, 11, 21...][]

-Your Student is small!-
Minimum panic stage 1 1
"What's that?"

Something is glittering in the corner of the room.

Come closer →
Minimum panic stage 1 1a
Pick it up →
Minimum panic stage 1 1b
Poke it →
Minimum panic stage 1 1c
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K
Minimum panic stage 1 2
  • Ding dong*...

Looks like someone came.

Go out →
Minimum panic stage 1 2a
Refreshing Chewing Gum 5 x 1
Open the door →
Minimum panic stage 1 2b
Mol's Potion x 1 or Refreshing Gum 5 x 1
Look through the peephole →
Minimum panic stage 1 2c

[Stage 2, 12, 22...][]

-Animal Department-
Minimum panic stage 2 1
"Please wait a moment! I'm talking to everyone in order!!"

You called Youta.

That sounds tough →
Minimum panic stage 2 1a
Any leads? →
Minimum panic stage 2 1b
Did you notice something weird? →
Minimum panic stage 2 1c
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K
Minimum panic stage 2 2
"Oh, so you became small too... That's going to be a problem."

You called Shion.

How to return to normal size?→
Minimum panic stage 2 2a
Mol's Potion x 1 or Business Smile 5 x 1
Other students too? →
Minimum panic stage 2 2b
Business Smile 5 x 1
Do you have a small cage? →
Minimum panic stage 2 2c

[Stage 3, 13, 23...][]

-Shopping District-
Minimum panic stage 3 1
"It looks like something really bad is happening."

You met the Store Manager.

What are you doing here? →
I'm in a hurry, so... →
Are you skipping work? →
Minimum panic stage 3 1c
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K
Minimum panic stage 3 2
"... Hello."

You met Hayato.

Hello →
Minimum panic stage 3 2a
I'm in a hurry, so.... →
Minimum panic stage 3 2b
Business Smile x 1
Have you seen anyone suspicious? →
Minimum panic stage 3 2c
Mol's Potion x 1 or Business Smile × 1 or Moody x 1

[Stage 4, 14, 24...][]

-Suspicious Back Alley-
Minimum panic stage 4 1
You feel someone's stare...

What will you do?

Look behind →
Minimum panic stage 4 1a
Ignore it →
Minimum panic stage 4 1b
Love nuts x 1
Let's play Statuesl! →
Minimum panic stage 4 1c
Mol's Potion x 1 or Love nuts × 1

[Stage 5, 15, 25...][]

-Mol's Laboratory-
Minimum panic stage 4 1-0
"Welcomes to Mol's Laboratory~ What invention are you looking for?"

Which one do you want to see?

Small bottle →
Minimum panic stage 4 1a-0
Mol's Potion x 1
Normal bottle →
Minimum panic stage 4 1b-0
Big bottle →
Minimum panic stage 4 1c-0
Peppermint candy x 1
Minimum panic stage 4 2
"Hello, Hello."

Mol's parrot started talking to you.

Hello! →
Minimum panic stage 4 2a
What's your name? →
Minimum panic stage 4 2b
What's your favorite food? →
Minimum panic stage 4 2c
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K

[Stage 6, 16, 26...][]

-Information gathering-
Minimum panic stage 6 1
"Did you gather any information?"

You met Yohan.

I've got nothing →
Minimum panic stage 6 1a
Mol's medicine is to blame! →
Minimum panic stage 6 1b
An evildoer is to blame! →
Minimum panic stage 6 1c
Mol's Potion x 1 or 5JIN
Minimum panic stage 6 2
"What a coincidence! To meet in such a place."

You met Angelica.

You're suspicious! →
Minimum panic stage 6 2a
Did you see anyone suspicious? →
Minimum panic stage 6 2b
The weather today is great →
Minimum panic stage 6 2c
100K or Exchange ticket x 1

[Stage 7, 17, 27...][]

-A suspicious person?-
Minimum panic stage 7 1
Oh no! Oh no!

You met Rin.

What's wrong? →
Minimum panic stage 7 1a
Mol's Potion x 1 or Business Smile 5 x 1
Ignore →
Minimum panic stage 7 1b
I'm having problems of my own~ →
Minimum panic stage 7 1c
Minimum panic stage 7 2-0
"....What's wrong?"

You met Shou.

How to restore my Student back to normal...? →
Minimum panic stage 7 2a
Mol's Potion x 1 or Refreshing Gum x 1
I'm looking for the person responsible....→
Minimum panic stage 7 2b
I wanted to meet Shouta →
Minimum panic stage 7 2c

[Stage 8, 18, 28...][]

-Get the medicine back!-
Minimum panic stage 8 1
"Who are you?! I'm Macaroni, leader of the Macaroni Gang. Do you have a beef with me?"

A young man appeared. He's saying that he's from the Macaroni Gang.

Give up! →
Minimum panic stage 8 1a
Why did you steal the invention?→
Minimum panic stage 8 1b
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K
You're surrounded! →
Minimum panic stage 8 1c
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K or Mol's Potion x 5
Minimum panic stage 8 2
"Hm? Who are you?"

A man appeared. He's saying that he's from the Macaroni Gang.

This is an evil organization, right?!
Minimum panic stage 8 2a
Give the invention back →
Minimum panic stage 8 2b
Love Nuts
What are you doing here? →
Minimum panic stage 8 2c-0
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K

[Stage 9, 19, 29...][]

-Back to the normal size-
Minimum panic stage 8 1-0
"Macaroni took my invention~? I bet he mistook it for sweets~"

You talked to Mol

What's this medicine? →
Minimum panic stage 8 1a-0
Mol's Potion or 100K
Who's Macaroni? →
Minimum panic stage 8 1b-0
What are you researching? →
Minimum panic stage 8 1c-0
Mol's Potion x 1 or 5JIN
Minimum panic stage 8 2-0
"Hello, hello."

Mol's parrot started talking to you.

Hello! →
Minimum panic stage 8 2a-0
What's your name? →
Minimum panic stage 8 2b-0
Moody x 1
Who are you? →
Minimum panic stage 8 2c
Mol's Potion x 1 or 100K
Minimum panic stage 8 2c2

or Mol's Potion x 10

[Stage 10, 20, 30...][]

-Let's go home-
Minimum panic stage 10 1
"You seem to be strong. Do you want to join the Macaroni Gang... I mean the Rabbit Gang?"
I refuse →
Minimum panic stage 10 1a
Why a rabbit? →
Minimum panic stage 10 1b
Mol's Potion x 1 or 5JIN
Did you apologize to Mol? →
Minimum panic stage 10 1c
Mol's Potion x 1 or Peppermint candy x 1
Minimum panic stage 10 2

A suspicious Rabbit is following you.

Run away →
Minimum panic stage 10 2a
Ignore →
Minimum panic stage 10 2b
Tear off the rabbit mask →
Minimum panic stage 10 2c
Peppermint candy x 1 or 100K
Minimum panic out of energy


Event Conversations[]

[Default] [Mischievous] [Tsundere] [Mysterious] [Crybaby] [Composed] [Diligent] [Hot Blooded] [Cool] [Cheeky] [Fresh] [Cute] [Clumsy] [Girly]
