Ranking Rewards**
**Rewards up to designated rank will be sent to Closet after maintenance.
Achievement Rewards: to get
Stage 01 - Theme Park ~Morning~: 1 Energy to move, [Bronze Coin]x2 on clear
The flowers are beautiful today. I'm glad they blossoming healthily.
Flowers? → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Look around. → Nothing
Talk. → Nothing
There's absolutely no waiting time for this ride~♪ Now's your chance to ride it~!
Ride. → Nothing
Look around. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Ask about another ride. → Nothing
*sob* I got lost and can't find my mom!
Help him out. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Call the staff. → Nothing
Cheer him up. → Nothing
Stage 02 - Theme Park ~Noon~: 2 Energy to move, [Bronze Coin]x2 on clear
Is everything all right? You can ask me anything you want!
Ask to see the map. → Nothing
Ask about show times. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Who are you? → Nothing
How about a picture? I take the best pictures around.
Take a picture. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Don't take a picture. → Nothing
Think about it. → Nothing
Hey♪ Why don't you eat lunch here?
Eat here. → Nothing
Go somewhere else. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Think about it. → Nothing
Stage 03 - Theme Park ~Evening~: 2 Energy to move, [Silver Coin]x2 on clear
I don't know what I'm going to do… There aren't enough people…
Listen. → Nothing
Help if you can. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Calm him down. → Nothing
I hope thy do something about the lack of people… All that training would have been for nothing…
Volunteer your student. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Ask about practice. → Nothing
Cheer him up. → Nothing
I was really looking forward to the night parade…
Try to recuit. → Nothing
Sympathize. → Nothing
Listen. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Stage 04 - Night Parade: 3 Energy to move, [Silver Coin]x2 on clear
What lovely skin you have ♪ you'll be glistening after I'm done with you ♪
Act scared. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Follow his instructions. → Nothing
Compliment the makeup artist. → Nothing
Wah~! You look great in your parade outfit! Let's knock it out of the park~!
Do your best. → Nothing
A little anxious. → Nothing
Listen. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
So you're the saviors I've been hearing about. I really can't thank you enough!
Introduce yourself. → Nothing
Listen. → Nothing
Start training. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
Stage 05 - Theme Park ~Night~: 3 Energy to move, [Gold Coin]x2 on clear
I took it upon myself to capture everything you did with my camera.
Ask for the pictures. → Nothing
Look at the pictures. → Nothing
Ask him to take more pictures. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
That was really fun~♪ What did you thing of being in the parade?
It was fun. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1
I'm tired. → Nothing
I want to watch it next time. → Nothing
That was a pretty good parade! It's pretty impressive how much you learned in such a short span.
Enjoy the moment. → Nothing
Cry tears of joy. → [Silver Coin]x1
Express gratitude. → [Bronze Coin]x1 OR [Silver Coin]x1 OR [Gold Coin]x1