Animal Boyfriend Wiki

"Remake Robot can recycle gacha items for you. If you give Remake Robot gacha items, he will give you Exchange Tickets for them. By the way, you can't give him gacha items that you got for K.

If you give him enough Exchange Tickets, he will give you new items. Remember that different item types require different amounts of Tickets. The amount of Tickets you get for recycling an item also varies by type.

Oh, the items you get for the items are random. Please remember this."

Store Manager

- Store Manager

Exchange Tickets[]

Exchange Ticket

You will get the following amounts of tickets for recycling Gacha items:

  • Clothes - 3 tickets
  • Accessories - 1 ticket
  • Backgrounds - 2 tickets
  • Hairstyles - 3 tickets

Number of tickets required for item exchanged depends on the number of items available.

A lot of items -> Lower ticket requirement

Few items -> Higher ticket requirement

Remember that the amount of tickets required for exchange isn't always the same.

Daily Recycle Limit[]

After using the Remake Robot 10 times one day, it will run out of power. Charging will end the next day.

By using an Event Boy, you will be able to recover 3 uses.

Bonus Items[]

You will sometimes get a bonus item while exchanging outfits. There are items that can only be obtained as bonus items for recycling.

Exchange Items[]

Each category of items requires a certain amount of tickets to obtain.

Recycle Robot Exchange
  • Background - 15 tickets
  • Clothes - 10 tickets
  • Accessories - 8 tickets

Once you've obtained the correct number of tickets, a button labelled Exchange will appear next to the category. If you do not have the correct amount of tickets to trade for an item, then the button will not appear.

Contents of the Recycle Robot[]

Japanese Style - Recycle Robot

Image Name Type Ticket Cost
Remake Antique Tearoom
Remake Antique Room Background 15 Tickets
Remake U-Neck S Pink
Remake U-Neck S Pink Clothes 10 Tickets
Remake U-Neck S Purple
Remake U-Neck S Purple Clothes 10 Tickets
Remake U-Neck S Brown
Remake U-Neck Brown Clothes 10 Tickets
Recycle Robot Clothes -4
Remake Squall Clothes 10 Tickets
Recycle Robot Clothes -5
Remake Raven Clothes 10 Tickets
Remake Wisteria Design
Remake Wisteria Design Clothes 10 Tickets
Recycle Robot Clothes -7
Remake May Rain Clothes 10 Tickets
Recycle Robot Clothes -8
Remake Glossy Moon Clothes 10 Tickets
Remake Robot Normal
Remake Robot Normal Body Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -2
Remake Robot Mechanic Mode Body Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -3
Remake Ring Face Acc. 8 Tickets
Remake Peony Decoration type1
Remake Peony Decoration type1 Head Acc. 8 Tickets
Remake Peony Decoration type2
Remake Peony Decoration type2 Head Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -6
Remake Round Flower Decoration type1 Head Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -7
Remake Round Flower Decoration type2 Head Acc. 8 Tickets
Remake Peony Decoration type3
Remake Peony Decoration type3 Head Acc. 8 Tickets
Remake Peony Decoration type4
Remake Peony Decoration type4 Head Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -10
Remake Round Flower Decoration type3 Head Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -11
Remake Round Flower Decoration type4 Head Acc 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -12
Remake Battlefield Eyepatch Face Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -13
Remake Lion Blade Back Acc. 8 Tickets
Remake Demon Blade
Remake Demon Blade Back Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -15
Remake Crude Umbrella Back Acc. 8 Tickets
Recycle Robot Acc -16
Remake Ninja Mask Face Acc. 8 Tickets