Ranking Rewards**
**Rewards up to designated rank will be sent to Closet after maintenance.
Achievement Rewards: to get
Piece can be obtained from saying the right answer during the event, or as Achievement Items.
Stage 01 - Tanabata Festival: 1 Energy to move, [Bronze Piece]x1 on clear
Hey! How about some shaved ice, guys?
Strawberry! → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Milk! → Nothing
Blue! → Nothing
(What about a summer festival date?)
With food stalls → Nothing
With yukata → Nothing
With shooting galleries → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
A tanabata festival ! It looks like lots of fun!
Festival date? → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
I see lots of stalls → Nothing
It looks busy → Nothing
Stage 02 - Riverbank: 2 Energy to move, [Bronze Piece]x1 on clear
The weather's so beautiful. I hope we have a clear Tanabata sky again.
I hope so too → Nothing
I'm sure we will! → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
It might rain... → Nothing
It's nice and cool out here by the river~...
Do you miss home? → Nothing
Do you like it here? → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Is it cool in space? → Nothing
(Let's practice Hikoboshi meeting up with Orihime.)
Turn up early → Nothing
Greet with a smile → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Take a gift → Nothing
Stage 03 - Park: 3 Energy to move, [Silver Piece]x1 on clear
Hey, you! Come on, let's play!
Alright! → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
I'm a little busy... → Nothing
Play with my Student → Nothing
Wow! This park is full of playthings!
Have you seen these before? → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Which do you like best? → Nothing
Let's play! → Nothing
(How about a date in the park..?)
Chat on the seesaw → Nothing
Push on the swingset → Nothing
Play on the slide → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Stage 04 - Night Sky: 3 Energy to move, [Silver Piece]x1 on clear
(How about watching the star with Orihime...?)
Walking and stargazing → Nothing
Just walking together → Nothing
Confessing his love → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Why hello there. Would you like me to teach you a thing or two about a woman's heart?
Umm, no → Nothing
Yes, please! → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Not a man's heart? → Nothing
It's gotten late already...
Lost track of time → Nothing
Look at the stars! → Nothing
Let's keep playing! → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Stage 05 - Milky Way: 4 Energy to move, [Gold Piece]x1 on clear
Are you a friend of Hikoboshi's?
Nice to meet you → Nothing
Are you an alien? → Nothing
Will those two meet? → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Here it is! My home among the stars! Aren't they beautiful?
Wow... → Nothing
You'll meet her here? → Nothing
I hope it goes well! → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
(In the end... the most important part of a date is...)
The thought → [Bronze Piece]x1 OR [Silver Piece]x1
Honest feelings → Nothing
A flawless plan → Nothing