Animal Boyfriend Wiki
This page contains unofficial translation of exclusive personalities from the Japanese version. Beware, as it might contain spoilers.

Yandere Personality

Yandere (ヤンデレ) is a Japanese archetype used to define a character whose love, admiration, and devotion are so strong that it is expressed as an excessive obsession and possessiveness. They are often seen as characters that are crazy in love with someone.

The term Yandere is compounded by two words. The first is yanderu, which means “to be sick,” and the second is deredere, used here for “lovestruck.”

In Gijin Kareshi, the student is very polite, only addressing the teachers by their names.
The student also is very caring and protective towards the teacher.

Special Job Time K EXP
- - - -

This type was introduced in Gijin Kareshi on April 7th, 2016.

Personality Requirements[]

Kindness Naughtiness Elegance Flamboyance Toughness
1000 - - - 500
Bashfulness Cheerfulness Shyness Curiosity Frankness
700 - - - 300

Other Dialogue[]

It is unknown when or if this personality will be introduced to the English version. The translation below is incomplete and unofficial.

Waking Up
  • Good morning. I'm glad you are here.
  • Don't go anywhere while I'm sleeping. ...Just kidding.
  • [Teacher] you should sleep properly without staying up late.
  • It's not bad to be cheered by [Teacher].
After Work/Study
  • [Work] It's over... I don't want to be alone again doing this.
  • [Study] Alright, it's over. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
Level Up
  • Level up? Well, this is it.
  • Oh, this is a good product.
    • [Give as a present] Really? I apologize for the insistence, but... Thank you.
    • [Sorry, not enough money ... ] Rather, should I buy you something [Teacher]?
  • Well, as a fellow aiming for the same human form, please get along with me.
  • I'm confident that I can socialize.
  • I'm in good shape today. Is it a good thing?
  • If you really mean that, I'm going to take it seriously...
  • I haven't forgotten about last time.
  • Why are you talking about [Teacher]?
  • It's about time to go home, isn't it?
  • [Other Student's Name] are you teasing me?